Our beautiful, strong daughter Ella Pauline Dignan was born June 22, 2012, Weighing 6lbs 19inches. Ella has been diagnosed with Dandy Walker Malformation, Hydrocephalus and a PDA Heart Murmur. She has had 1 shunt placed November 3rd 2012 and on December 17th 2012 she had her PDA closed off with a metal device. This blog is the life story of Ella!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Ella is slowly getting better. We so far have only had to visit the suction booth at the hospital 2 days out of 7. The first day they wanted to admit to the hospital, but we tried all we could to get liquids down her so we wouldn't be admitted. It wasnt easy and I thought for sure she would get admitted. But on Day 2 she ended up having wet diapers and able to get hydrated. The suction booth has a scale of 0, 1, 2, 3 with 0 being in great shape and 3 being in bad shape. Ella was placed as a 1 on both days. Meaning that her oxygen level is not great but well enough to keep her out of being admitted. Ellas small cold is a viral respiratory infection that an antibiotic wont help. So the shot of antibiotics she received will only help her ear infection. Which she hasn't shown any sign of them being infected still. If she starts showing signs we will have to go get a second shot of antibiotic. We have missed so much PT, but as time goes by she is learning things on her own. She sat up for a few minutes yesterday for the first time all by herself with no help. So now she is semi crawling (scooting) and sitting up a little. Next month we are going to have a 6 month review with Kauri Sue to go over what goals she has met and what she hasnt. At the first of the 6 months I made goals that I would like to see Ella meet. We havent met some of them but for having an delay, having 2 surgeries shes doing very well and I know she will continue to amaze us. Keep your prayers out there I strongly believe that they are helping Ella. Love to all!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Long time
Its been a long few weeks Ella and Brayden has been really sick. So we have had to cancel all of the PT and dr appts. Brayden was diagnosed with Pneumonia and Ella diagnosed with Respiratory infection, ear infection, dehydration, and sinus infection. We have taken her the last few days up to the hospital to have her nose suctioned out. Yesterday the nurse said we needed to have her admitted. We decided to wait 12 hours to see how she did. Amazing enough after 5 days of no drinking/eating and dry diapers she finally snapped out of it and decided to drink and have a wet diaper. She did great today at the suction booth in SLC Primary Childrens Hospital. We were told she was a 1 which means she is having a hard time breathing but not enough to admit her. She has been sitting next to me on the floor playing with toys... Of course she is still coughing but not as bad. Shes doing a lot better than she has in the last few weeks. I am so proud of her, hopefully we will be able to keep our appointments from her on and be able to get her back on track. Next month we have our 6 month review on her with PT. Which we havent been able to do for a while. She hasnt had a few good days to practice her crawling or anything. So hopefully she will continue to get better and start to be able to do things. Brayden was diagnosed with Pneumonia and bad asthma and has slowly gotten better too. Thank goodness we (Matt, Marian and I) have not caught this bad sickness. We will update as we can, hope everyone is doing better than us. Love to all!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Shes on her way
She has started to taste a little bit of what we are eating, she loves our food over the baby food. I ordered a blender and I am going to blend up some of our food and see how she likes it.
update on her fall: Shes been doing great. We were a little nervous for the last week because she would blink her eyes a lot out of no where. But she has since stopped and is doing great.
We dont have much to update right now because we have had to cancel all our appointments for the last few weeks from Brayden, Ella and I catching a cold. But we are on the mend and hopefully will be able to get back to regular schedule soon. We are starting to go crazy having to stay home so much.
We are having Ella's PT and hearing test next week and will be updating on her progress. Love to all!
Monday, March 4, 2013
March 2nd 2013
Saturday we woke up and decided to start cleaning and than had plans to go hang out as a family. As we were getting ready Marian and I had a miscommunication. I had thought she was watching Ella on our bed and She thought I was. I turned around for a second and heard a big boom. I turned around and Ella was laying on her back on the ground. She didn't move or make a sound was just looking around. I picked her up and she vomited all over, her eyes were going different directions and that is when I started to panic. I called the neurosurgeon and he said that she should be seen. I didn't know if I should call 911 or drive her to the hospital. Matt said get her to Jordan Valley since its the closest hospital and he would stay home and get Brayden ready and be over. As Marian and I was walking out to the car to leave Ella started to slowly drift off asleep. Marian helped me by making sure she was still breathing and trying to wake her up till we got to the hospital. The hospital was very concerned about her and did a CT Scan and Shunt series to make sure her shunt was okay and not broke. During all of this Ella slept. She woke up for the doctor for about 10 minutes and was back asleep. Everything came back okay on the shunt, but the doctor was still concerned because of Ella sleeping so much. So he called Primary Children's in SLC to see if we should life flight her or transport her to Primary's to be evaluated. Dr Walker one of the neurosurgeons was very concerned and asked for Ella to be transported by ambulance to Primary Children's. So I got into an ambulance with Ella and we went for a ride to Primary Children's. Ella cried the whole way, she was blowing big booger bubbles out of her mouth. So the EMT got out a suction machine and suctioned the boogers out of her mouth. By the time we got to Primary's Ella was so mad that she hit the EMT and was very upset with me. She calmed down as I picked her up out of the car-seat out of the ambulance. We than spent a few more hours at Primary's having Ella's CT Scan and Shunt Series looked over by doctors. Ella slept again the whole time we were there till we were about to be discharged. Ella was diagnosed with a bad con-cushion and we were told to watch her. The next day she seemed fine and than vomited two more times in a matter of 10 minutes. After that she seemed to do pretty good the rest of the day. What we learned..... That we can not trust Ella to be left alone. She has become very strong and able to move, roll anywhere. I have beat myself up over this because I the mother that is very protective of my children let my daughter down. Thank goodness for the love, prayers and support we have. Ella is now back to herself and doing great!
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