Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pediatrician visit

Today we decided that we would make an appointment to have Ella looked at for Vomiting and spitting up. Vomiting is associated with DWS, along with a lot of other symptoms. We were unable to get in with the neurosurgeon, so we made an appointment with Ella's pediatrician. The doctor diagnosed her with Acid Reflex, he said that he would rather not start her on any medication at this point. But if she started to develop more problems arching her back and screaming more in pain. That he would start her on an anti acid medication.
The doctor said that if it was the DWS that she would be vomiting non stop due to the pressure in the brain. Ella's head is still measuring big and we will watch that. If it gets too big the neurosurgeon will have to put in a shunt to drain the fluid. The doctor said she is looking really good as far as smiling and being alert (good sign)

We are so proud of her accomplishments so far and pray things keep going this smooth. Love you Ella!

1 comment:

Aubs said...

Poor Ella having to go through Acid Reflux...Kylee had it really bad and so has Hadley. Maybe it could be partially genetic? You could contact Kylee on facebook and see if she has any tips.