Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 and our luck isnt better ARG!

Welcome to 2013!!!! We were hoping for the best and thinking that we wouldnt have to face anything hard for a while, well our luck wasn't as good as we hoped.
Ella developed a fever yesterday and has been around the same temp since. She has also been urinating more than usual, we have had to change her diaper every 1/2 hour to hour her diapers have been filling up really fast. She also has had a little bit of congestion, and even started spitting up (she never spits up) So I talked to a on call doctor today and he was very concerned. He sent us in to kids care to be checked. Ella and I arrived and waited for almost 2 hours to be seen. They weighed Ella at 13 pounds 24 1/2 inches long. The doctor looked her over and she seemed great just looking at her. She did a cath sample, which came back negative, she also did a long metal part with a swab on it up her nose (ouchie) to test for a virus. She said that Ella has a virus. She also suspects that she may have an infection in her shunt. I of course ask what happens if she has one and what they will do to fix the infection. I should just not open myself up because than I leave crying.
If Ella's temp doesnt go down in the next day or two and she becomes more fussy than she already is, spitting up more. Than I will have to take her into the emergency room at Primary Children's. They will do a CT scan of her brain and check for the infection. If it is positive they will admit her, give her a high dose of IV antibiotics, take her into surgery remove the shunt, place a new one in but leave it out and not put it all the way through her body like the one she has now. We will stay in the hospital till the infection has cleared and a doctor has okay'd it to go back into surgery and put the shunt back in place. During all of this Ella would be admitted to the hospital and wouldnt be able to go home.
I knew we may have problems down the road with the shunt. But 2 months after we had it inserted? Really??
So we are going to continue to watch Ella as we wait for the results of the virus test to come back and if we notice anything to take her in to the hospital.
It feels like we get back to normal and than boom we are back to square one. I dont understand why things have to go the way they do. I hope the doctor is wrong and Ella wont have to suffer yet again. I hate seeing her suffer or any of my children to suffer. Needing lots of prayers and hopefully we will get past this without having to have any sort of hospital stays.

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