Today we had physical therapy! Today I don't feel like crying, I actually feel pretty content about what happened during the appointment. Ella has started the following since last appointment 2 weeks ago.
Ella is rolling all over side to side and to also get a hold of toys and such. She is drinking more formula every hour 3 to 4oz. Trying to sit up by herself and trying to attempt to crawl. Ella is putting her knees up, but needs to work on pushing herself up with her arms.
Goals for the next two week and ways to teach her to reach the goals.
1- Start stage 3 foods
2-Prop Ella up on a rolled up blanket or towel under armpits to encourage extend arms while playing with toys.
3-Help her go through sitting up motions on both sides as demostrated.
4-Continue with sitting time in high chair or swing.
We have also had some problems with Ella's pediatrician, so the PT gave us a few names to start with to try and get into. The pediatricians that she referred us to is doctors that specialize in working with special needs children.
We talked a little bit about how I have been feeling with her not meeting goals as fast as others around us and the one question she pointed out that helped me is "Has these other children had any surgeries or special needs to stop them from meeting goals?"
That is a great question because Ella has been through so much in the 7 months of life. None of the children around her have had Brain or heart surgery like her or has any of the syndromes that she is fighting. So thinking of this and knowing that Ella is just a little behind has helped me today to be a little stronger.

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