Friday, August 3, 2012

First Neurosurgeon Appointment 08/03/2012

We had an appointment at 3:30pm yesterday with Dr Brockmeyer, Neurosurgeon at Primary Children's in Salt Lake City. We had an CT scan done on Ella, and than we went back to talk to Dr Brockmeyer about the results.

Dr Brockmeyer said that Ella does have fluid on the back of her brain. He diagnosed her with Dandy Walker Malformation. He said as of right not her head is just a little bigger than normal, that we will not need a shunt right now. He said we will measure again in 1 month and go from there. The doctor said that right now we wait to see how she develops. She could be normal, somewhere in the middle or in a wheelchair. We don't know right now, the best way for us to know is if she reaches her milestones. As I was driving home from this appointment I started to think of other questions that needed to be answered. I found the doctors email address and this is what I asked and what was answered by the doctor.

1. Is it possible that Ella could pass away from DWM?

Extremely unlikely 
2. What types of symptoms should I call into your office about that is concerning?

Pressure symptoms, including irritability, vomiting and significant sleepiness.
3. If Ella ends up needing a shunt will this decrease the size of her head or will she have to live with her head being bigger than normal?
A shunt would reduce head circumference.  We will try and avoid putting one in unless she absolutely needs it.
Our next appointment with Dr Brockmeyer is in September. I will be updating this blog as appointments or other important things come up. 

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