At 22 weeks we had an ultrasound scheduled to find out what gender our baby was going to be. Matt thought for sure it was going to be a boy, as I was saying it was going to be a good. The news came "ITS A GIRL". We were so happy and excited. The ultrasound tech said I will go get the doctor to go over things. As we waited we were talking about how excited we were to get a girl and that we were going to name her Ella. The doctor came in the room, looked at the ultrasound pictures. He had this look on his face like something was wrong. I was starting to get pretty nervous, wondering what was going on. He asked if we had been told anything about our baby having fluid on the back of her brain on previous ultrasounds. I replied no, we were told our baby was healthy and right on schedule.The doctor explained to us that our baby had quite a bit of fluid on the back of her head, that it was considered to be Dandy Walker Syndrome. The doctor looked at us and asked if we wanted to terminate. I looked at the doctor and said I dont think so, we will deal with whatever comes our way. Matt and I decided to go home and immediately start looking up dandy walker syndrome. Which we later found out was the wrong thing to do because the internet gives the highest possible symptoms. Every ultrasound we would get every 5weeks we would hear the same thing. We may have to deliver her up at the University of Utah and have her transported to Primary Children's in Salt Lake City. She may have to be rushed into brain surgery, when she is delivered. I had a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of days where I would cry off and on. Wondering what things will be like when she is born. How we will cope with our baby having dandy walker.
My doctor Bryant Brown had decided it was time to schedule a C Section. Due to Ella having Dandy Walker and with my amniotic fluid being at 27% when it should only be at 24%. The day came on June 22, 2012 Ella Pauline Dignan was born via C section. It was unknown what we had up against us, when Ella came out Matt had gone over to her to make sure everything was okay. As the doctors were sewing me up, I kept thinking to myself what is going on. Why am I not being able to see my child. Ella was taken to NICU, Matt was told that he needed to be with Ella. I was not told anything about Ella. I had no clue what was going on. As I was there being sewed and stapled up, I kept wondering why she was being taken to NICU. I keep the thought in my head thinking her dandy walker must have ended up being really bad. Finally I was taken to my room, still with no answers as to where and what was going on with my baby. Finally I was told that Ella had to get a CPAP that her lungs had quite a bit of fluid in them from the C section and she would have to be in NICU for a few days. I was told that I couldn't go down and see Ella in NICU until my body wasn't numb anymore. Finally after 8 hours of not seeing my baby, I was taken down by a wheel chair to see my sweet baby. I talked to a pediatric doctor and she said as far as she could tell Ella was not having any neurological signs of dandy walker. She gave me a neurological surgeon number and told me to call them and set up a date to have Ella evaluated. Ella was finally released from NICU after the 3rd day, we both stayed in the hospital till the 4th day, than was released to go home.
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