Friday, November 9, 2012

Hospital and Shunt placement

This is going to be a hard blog update on me, Bare with me.

November 1st 2012 Ella started screaming from about 10:30pm and continued on for the next day. Matt got up and walked around the room with her, I took her downstairs in the recliner, held her tight, changed her diaper, nothing helped. We decided that we would wait during the day to see how things progressed. Later that day we were still dealing with the screaming and I decided to call an on call doctor to see if we should go to the hospital. The doctor said that it was up to me as the parent. If I felt inside that this was not normal for Ella than I better take her. So Ella and I left around 7pm on November 2nd and headed up to Primary Children's in Salt Lake City. We arrived in the Emergency room, which is always a headache because all you do is wait around. But we finally saw a doctor and they suggested we get a CT scan done on her to check her Dandy Walker. (Screaming a lot can sometimes mean an infant is having pressure in the brain and its causing a headache) Ella did a great job in the CT scan, she was looking all over trying to figure it out.
About a 30 minutes later a neurosurgeon came in and talked to me. I didnt have a good feeling about this talk. She started to tell me that between the CT scan done a few months ago and the one today, that fluid had doubled the size in her brain. Ok so this is where I couldnt stay strong. She said that she will need to admit her to the hospital and do an emergency shunt at 8am November 3rd. I was pretty upset and it seemed like anytime someone would try to talk to me I would start crying.
Going back to when she saw the neurosurgeon the first time I was told she wouldn't be needing a shunt that she should be great, that sometimes children are born with fluid but never show signs or never need a shunt placed. What happened between that visit and this emergency visit is unknown to me. About 2 hours later they finally took us up to a room we shared with another mom and her child. I had requested for a big bed, so Ella and I could cuddle together. My heart was so hurt all night, all I could do is look at Ella and see that she had no clue what was going on and that she was ok. The next morning approached. A nurse came in and said its time for surgery, I carried Ella in my arms, 2 floors down and to the door of surgery. The nurse said I will take her now, she will be okay we promise. I gave her the biggest hug and kiss, as I wiped the tears from my eyes. I had them take a blanket that her Grandma Cowan made for her into surgery to comfort her and know I was there waiting. The doctor had said that the surgery would last about a hour. It had seemed like forever, I was pacing all around the waiting room, crying, praying, thinking of her. What seemed to be like 2 hours ended up only being a 15 minute surgery. The doctor came in talked to me and said everything went well and that I could head back and see my girl in 20 minutes.  Again me pacing the floors with a tissue next to my eye as I waited. I went back and saw my Ella, She was in a little baby crib, her eyes were open, but so confused as to what was going on. I could see a bandage on top of her head, one behind her ear and one on her belly. We went back up to the room, this time I wasn't able to hold her. But I was able to stay by her side and let her know I was there. Ella had a hard rest of the day and night. They had her on morphine, lortab and Tylenol to help with the pain. The next day we woke up and I couldn't believe it. Ella was smiling, kicking all happy. It had been a few days since I saw her happy face.
That morning the doctor came in to talk to me and said that  he felt that she would need a second shunt placed in the back of the brain. That the first shunt would help the top of the brain, but he was unsure about the back. So we were scheduled for surgery Monday. Monday came and the doctor had a ct scan and xray done on Ella at 7am. At 8 am he came up and said that he thinks she may need one, but wanted to hold off to see if the first one would help drain some of the fluid n the back of the brain. So he decided that we could be discharged and make an appointment to see him next month.

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