We were so excited to be able to take Ella home. Ella had a pretty good day and again that night she started getting really sick. Every time she would have a bottle she would have the runs and even vomited all over her and I. She was very fussy and we couldnt calm her down again.
I called and talked to a neurosurgeon that was on call it was about 6:30am. I felt like I was talking to a wall. He was half way asleep and didnt make since on what he wanted me to do. So instead I hung up and called the pediatrician, the doctor said that I should get her back up to Primary Childrens and be looked at. This stay ended up being a 3 night stay with no progress. No diagnose, no answers nothing. I felt like we were sleeping at the hospital as they the bill tallied up! The doctors didnt know what to do but send us home. So we are home and continuing to get better.
I met a few people along my experience that placed a strong strength in my heart. Its amazing in bad times like this who comes in your life. I was taking a much needed break and started to walk the kids down to a play area on the 3rd floor. A lady happened to get in the elevator with us and she happen to look over at me while I was trying so hard to keep strong. She asked if I was okay, and suddenly the tears started rolling. I told her about Ella and how worried I was about her. She came out and asked if we could talk some more. Come to find out she was the Chaplin in the church. We went in a room with one other Chaplin and we said a prayer for Ella. I have never felt the stress, worry and anxiety lift off my body as we talked and prayed for Ella. It was an amazing feeling.
I believe that people come in our lives at good and bad times. Those bad times strengthens us up to keep moving. That night i had so much courage, I look back at that day and know that everything will be ok as long as i keep myself strong.
I want to personally thank my husband for giving me breaks, my parents for visiting and bringing us dinner, To everyone that called about Ella and prayed for her. Also thank you STG for the pretty flowers you sent Ella, they are beautiful.
Please continue the prayers as we continue to see how Ellas health goes. Your love and support means the world to us!
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