I havent been on in quite a while because I have had to go without a computer since April. So I thought since i was on Matt's laptop for a few minutes that i would do an update. Ella has done such a great job the past few months. The following are a few of the goals she has reached....
Army Crawling
Crawling up on couches, beds and such
Crawling up and down the stairs with little assistance
Saying dadda and momma and knowing what they mean.
Giving momma kisses
Converted over to whole milk
Standing up against the couch holding on to it with her hips only
Walking holding on to a stroller
Ella has done so much in the last few months. Now that she is 14 months we are trying our hardest to get her to walk on her own. Its been quite a struggle, but we know it will happen when she is ready.
Right now she is having physical therapy once a week. We are hoping with more therapy she will be able to walk before the baby comes. Yes BABY we are having a baby boy in December. Yep another child we will have 3 under 3 years old but we wouldnt have it any other way.
We had a 1 year old birthday party for Ella in June. We had face painting, snow cones and cake, she had such a fun time with all her friends. By the time everyone left she was found on the ground taking a much needed nap.
I will update as often as I can! Hope everyone is having a great summer!
Our beautiful, strong daughter Ella Pauline Dignan was born June 22, 2012, Weighing 6lbs 19inches. Ella has been diagnosed with Dandy Walker Malformation, Hydrocephalus and a PDA Heart Murmur. She has had 1 shunt placed November 3rd 2012 and on December 17th 2012 she had her PDA closed off with a metal device. This blog is the life story of Ella!

Monday, September 2, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Long overdue update
Our sweet Ella turned 1 years old on June 22nd 2013. Ella was born via C Section due to being breach. Ella was born at 8:16am and was immediately taken to NICU due to fluid in her lungs. Daddy was able to stay by her side from the moment she was born for the next 8 hours of life before mommy was able to see her. Ella was born with Dandy Walker Malformation, while she showed no signs of Dandy Walker at birth we were still nervous. For the next month 1/2 we waited till we could get into a neurosurgeon and have Ella evaluated. The appointment came and we were told that Ella was doing okay that the doctor was going to do his best to not have to put a shunt in her. At 4 months I had a really bad feeling Ella wouldnt stop crying for a day 1/2, so I rushed her to Primary Childrens to be evaluated. They did a CT scan and it was determined that she would need an emergency surgery to place a shunt in her brain. I stayed the night with her and walked her down to have surgery. I held it together the best way i could, I handed Ella to a nurse who took Ella to the surgery room as i was walked to the waiting room. I looked around in the waiting room and I was the only one waiting for my daughter the room was empty. After Ellas shunt was placed she was doing so much better for about 4 weeks and than her feeding went down and she started to breathe heavy and irregular. I took her to a heart surgeon and it was determined that she had a PDA heart murmur and would need to have a PDA device placed in her heart. December 17th we took Ella in and she went into surgery! Its amazing how much this little girl has gone through during her year of life. She has accomplished so many goals. As of now she is crawling, standing up against furniture and walking against furniture. We are so proud of her and all she has been through. She has so much strength in her to keep motivated and moving.
It amazes me that at just 22 weeks in my womb I was asked if I wanted to terminate and we said Hell no!!! I am very proud of our decision and i would havent have had it any other way. Shes our sweet pumpkin and she fills our hearts with so much joy.
We love you Ella and all that you are.. You are our Angel!!!!!!!
It amazes me that at just 22 weeks in my womb I was asked if I wanted to terminate and we said Hell no!!! I am very proud of our decision and i would havent have had it any other way. Shes our sweet pumpkin and she fills our hearts with so much joy.
We love you Ella and all that you are.. You are our Angel!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
small update
I have been without a computer since April and havent had time to write in this blog. I decided to borrow my husbands work laptop and put in a small update.
Ella is doing so well... We had a 6 month review and she was 2 months behind in everything but motor skills and she was only 1 month behind on that. The PT said she is doing a great job and she is very happy with the results she has had. Ella is now crawling, standing up against furniture, walking against the furniture and even climbing the stairs.
Today we went to Primary Childrens and recorded Ella's life history till today at 11 months. This recording will be placed on Story Corps, Primary Childrens, and in the Washington DC Congress library. We will also be getting a copy of the story in 2-3 weeks that we can show Ella when she grows up.
We are very proud of Ella and all she has accomplished. She will be 1 year in 1 month, its hard to believe all the time that has passed. Shes our little sweet pumpkin!
Ella is doing so well... We had a 6 month review and she was 2 months behind in everything but motor skills and she was only 1 month behind on that. The PT said she is doing a great job and she is very happy with the results she has had. Ella is now crawling, standing up against furniture, walking against the furniture and even climbing the stairs.
Today we went to Primary Childrens and recorded Ella's life history till today at 11 months. This recording will be placed on Story Corps, Primary Childrens, and in the Washington DC Congress library. We will also be getting a copy of the story in 2-3 weeks that we can show Ella when she grows up.
We are very proud of Ella and all she has accomplished. She will be 1 year in 1 month, its hard to believe all the time that has passed. Shes our little sweet pumpkin!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Ella is slowly getting better. We so far have only had to visit the suction booth at the hospital 2 days out of 7. The first day they wanted to admit to the hospital, but we tried all we could to get liquids down her so we wouldn't be admitted. It wasnt easy and I thought for sure she would get admitted. But on Day 2 she ended up having wet diapers and able to get hydrated. The suction booth has a scale of 0, 1, 2, 3 with 0 being in great shape and 3 being in bad shape. Ella was placed as a 1 on both days. Meaning that her oxygen level is not great but well enough to keep her out of being admitted. Ellas small cold is a viral respiratory infection that an antibiotic wont help. So the shot of antibiotics she received will only help her ear infection. Which she hasn't shown any sign of them being infected still. If she starts showing signs we will have to go get a second shot of antibiotic. We have missed so much PT, but as time goes by she is learning things on her own. She sat up for a few minutes yesterday for the first time all by herself with no help. So now she is semi crawling (scooting) and sitting up a little. Next month we are going to have a 6 month review with Kauri Sue to go over what goals she has met and what she hasnt. At the first of the 6 months I made goals that I would like to see Ella meet. We havent met some of them but for having an delay, having 2 surgeries shes doing very well and I know she will continue to amaze us. Keep your prayers out there I strongly believe that they are helping Ella. Love to all!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Long time
Its been a long few weeks Ella and Brayden has been really sick. So we have had to cancel all of the PT and dr appts. Brayden was diagnosed with Pneumonia and Ella diagnosed with Respiratory infection, ear infection, dehydration, and sinus infection. We have taken her the last few days up to the hospital to have her nose suctioned out. Yesterday the nurse said we needed to have her admitted. We decided to wait 12 hours to see how she did. Amazing enough after 5 days of no drinking/eating and dry diapers she finally snapped out of it and decided to drink and have a wet diaper. She did great today at the suction booth in SLC Primary Childrens Hospital. We were told she was a 1 which means she is having a hard time breathing but not enough to admit her. She has been sitting next to me on the floor playing with toys... Of course she is still coughing but not as bad. Shes doing a lot better than she has in the last few weeks. I am so proud of her, hopefully we will be able to keep our appointments from her on and be able to get her back on track. Next month we have our 6 month review on her with PT. Which we havent been able to do for a while. She hasnt had a few good days to practice her crawling or anything. So hopefully she will continue to get better and start to be able to do things. Brayden was diagnosed with Pneumonia and bad asthma and has slowly gotten better too. Thank goodness we (Matt, Marian and I) have not caught this bad sickness. We will update as we can, hope everyone is doing better than us. Love to all!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Shes on her way
She has started to taste a little bit of what we are eating, she loves our food over the baby food. I ordered a blender and I am going to blend up some of our food and see how she likes it.
update on her fall: Shes been doing great. We were a little nervous for the last week because she would blink her eyes a lot out of no where. But she has since stopped and is doing great.
We dont have much to update right now because we have had to cancel all our appointments for the last few weeks from Brayden, Ella and I catching a cold. But we are on the mend and hopefully will be able to get back to regular schedule soon. We are starting to go crazy having to stay home so much.
We are having Ella's PT and hearing test next week and will be updating on her progress. Love to all!
Monday, March 4, 2013
March 2nd 2013
Saturday we woke up and decided to start cleaning and than had plans to go hang out as a family. As we were getting ready Marian and I had a miscommunication. I had thought she was watching Ella on our bed and She thought I was. I turned around for a second and heard a big boom. I turned around and Ella was laying on her back on the ground. She didn't move or make a sound was just looking around. I picked her up and she vomited all over, her eyes were going different directions and that is when I started to panic. I called the neurosurgeon and he said that she should be seen. I didn't know if I should call 911 or drive her to the hospital. Matt said get her to Jordan Valley since its the closest hospital and he would stay home and get Brayden ready and be over. As Marian and I was walking out to the car to leave Ella started to slowly drift off asleep. Marian helped me by making sure she was still breathing and trying to wake her up till we got to the hospital. The hospital was very concerned about her and did a CT Scan and Shunt series to make sure her shunt was okay and not broke. During all of this Ella slept. She woke up for the doctor for about 10 minutes and was back asleep. Everything came back okay on the shunt, but the doctor was still concerned because of Ella sleeping so much. So he called Primary Children's in SLC to see if we should life flight her or transport her to Primary's to be evaluated. Dr Walker one of the neurosurgeons was very concerned and asked for Ella to be transported by ambulance to Primary Children's. So I got into an ambulance with Ella and we went for a ride to Primary Children's. Ella cried the whole way, she was blowing big booger bubbles out of her mouth. So the EMT got out a suction machine and suctioned the boogers out of her mouth. By the time we got to Primary's Ella was so mad that she hit the EMT and was very upset with me. She calmed down as I picked her up out of the car-seat out of the ambulance. We than spent a few more hours at Primary's having Ella's CT Scan and Shunt Series looked over by doctors. Ella slept again the whole time we were there till we were about to be discharged. Ella was diagnosed with a bad con-cushion and we were told to watch her. The next day she seemed fine and than vomited two more times in a matter of 10 minutes. After that she seemed to do pretty good the rest of the day. What we learned..... That we can not trust Ella to be left alone. She has become very strong and able to move, roll anywhere. I have beat myself up over this because I the mother that is very protective of my children let my daughter down. Thank goodness for the love, prayers and support we have. Ella is now back to herself and doing great!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday 25th 2013
We also were able to get some Dandy Walker Wristbands if anyone is interested in one or is interested in donating to the Dandy Walker Alliance to go towards a cure. We also received enough wristbands for our family of 5 for Hydro. Ella and I were wearing ours yesterday and I got this cute photo of us wearing them. She is pulling on them and by this picture I think it symbolizes that shes fighting these syndromes.
Ella is working so hard to do things that a child her age would normally be doing. Shes getting there, it will just take sometime. I always have random people say oh shes cute shes around 3 or 4 months right? I always feel really nervous and say no shes actually 8 months. They always say shes not crawling, I feel a little bit of anger in me which I hold it together and I say no she isnt she has a learning disability. Ella is just like all the other children out there it just takes her a little longer to learn things. I have had to come to terms that I am going to have people asking questions, but in the end all that matters is that my daughter is doing what she can and doing things at her pace. She is doing the best she can and thats all I can ask, I am grateful for her strength and courage, her willingness to keep trying. Shes such a sweetheart! Keep up the great work Ella you are doing great. Daddy and Mommy love you!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Next week!
This week has been a pretty mellow week so far. Ella has been feeling a lot better. We started take her to a new doctor and so far things are going well. We bought a boppy pillow last night from my friend Meg and have used it this morning. She has been doing quite well with it, she will sit up in it and when I put her on her belly over it she will extend her arms out to grab toys. She did get tired easily. But that will happen after having 2 major surgeries and trying to get her immune system strong again.
Next Monday we have an appointment to re test Ella's behavior hearing. She failed the last 2 tests. We are hoping since she is older and more alert that she will be able to pass it. I am pretty nervous, but know Ella will do just fine. We also have PT and I am hoping with getting the boppy pillow that by the time our appointment is that we will be able to show a lot more to the PT.
I want to thank everyone for there continued support. One of these days Ella will look back at this blog and know how much she was cared for and supported. Love you Ella!
Next Monday we have an appointment to re test Ella's behavior hearing. She failed the last 2 tests. We are hoping since she is older and more alert that she will be able to pass it. I am pretty nervous, but know Ella will do just fine. We also have PT and I am hoping with getting the boppy pillow that by the time our appointment is that we will be able to show a lot more to the PT.
I want to thank everyone for there continued support. One of these days Ella will look back at this blog and know how much she was cared for and supported. Love you Ella!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Physical Therapy 7 months.
Today we had physical therapy! Today I don't feel like crying, I actually feel pretty content about what happened during the appointment. Ella has started the following since last appointment 2 weeks ago.
Ella is rolling all over side to side and to also get a hold of toys and such. She is drinking more formula every hour 3 to 4oz. Trying to sit up by herself and trying to attempt to crawl. Ella is putting her knees up, but needs to work on pushing herself up with her arms.
Goals for the next two week and ways to teach her to reach the goals.
1- Start stage 3 foods
2-Prop Ella up on a rolled up blanket or towel under armpits to encourage extend arms while playing with toys.
3-Help her go through sitting up motions on both sides as demostrated.
4-Continue with sitting time in high chair or swing.
We have also had some problems with Ella's pediatrician, so the PT gave us a few names to start with to try and get into. The pediatricians that she referred us to is doctors that specialize in working with special needs children.
We talked a little bit about how I have been feeling with her not meeting goals as fast as others around us and the one question she pointed out that helped me is "Has these other children had any surgeries or special needs to stop them from meeting goals?"
That is a great question because Ella has been through so much in the 7 months of life. None of the children around her have had Brain or heart surgery like her or has any of the syndromes that she is fighting. So thinking of this and knowing that Ella is just a little behind has helped me today to be a little stronger.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013
The last two days we have noticed that Ella has been very fussy and has been spitting up about a ounce of formula. Which is very similar to when we took her in to have a shunt placed in her brain. I talked to the neurosurgeon Dr. Brockmeyer and he said that he would rather be safe and get a CT scan done on Ella. The only way to do this was to go in to the ER and have it done. The Doctors appointments were scheduled out to far and anything that has to do with the shunt and possible infection needs to be addressed asap. So I took Marian and Brayden to my parents and headed to Primary Children's in SLC. The whole way to the hospital Ella screamed. She screamed all the way into the hospital till we got to the front desk and that is where her ALL smiles came in. Ella was no smiles yesterday and than when she reached the hospital she started smiling. I am really thinking she had me go to the hospital to smile at the nurses and doctors. We went through a series of shunt tests to make sure that the shunt was not broken or had any type of infection in it. All the tests came back and things actually looked better than the CT scan we had a month ago. Her fluid was slightly smaller in her brain than the CT scan before. The doctors said that she must have a viral gastritis infection. Which there is nothing they can do about, we have to sit and wait it out. The doctor did explain to me how shunt infections happen, any bacterial infection can cause a shunt to get infected. Winter is the worse season to get bacterial infections, so right now she is high risk with her shunt and her heart. While we can wash our hands and only go around healthy people. It not so easy to keep her away from it, Matt and Marian could bring a bug home from school or work. Or it could even be caught just going to the store or outside. So all we can do is watch Ella and pray that she never catches a infection.
On the funny side Ella tried the whole hospital stay to take her tag off her leg as pictured above. It was so funny, she tried so hard to get it off. The doctors and nurses thought she was quite funny.
Ella in the last week has also started being really cuddly with me. When I pick her up and hold her she will lay her head down on my shoulder, with her hands wrapped around me. She is such a sweetheart. I am so glad that this visit went better than I expected. Now its time for her to get past this virus and get better.
On the funny side Ella tried the whole hospital stay to take her tag off her leg as pictured above. It was so funny, she tried so hard to get it off. The doctors and nurses thought she was quite funny.
Ella in the last week has also started being really cuddly with me. When I pick her up and hold her she will lay her head down on my shoulder, with her hands wrapped around me. She is such a sweetheart. I am so glad that this visit went better than I expected. Now its time for her to get past this virus and get better.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Physical Therapy
Yesterday we had Physical Therapy, it has been since the first of December since we have been able to meet with the therapist. The therapist brought along with her a student.
Things seemed a little more stressful as usual at this appointment, I am unsure if it was because there was a student there learning from the PT or what.
It started off by what has Ella accomplished since the first of December. Well its hard to be put on the spot especially when you have a 2 year old trying to steal the show. But I tried to remember the best I could.... Ella has achieved the following......
1- Rolling on both directions from back to tummy, from tummy to back.
2- Batting, holding, shaking and pushing buttons on toys.
3- Takes her takes her socks off and plays with them.
4- Will hold weight when standing briefly.
5- Will pick up Binky play with it and place Binky in mouth.
6- 01/30/13 started to tuck knees under tummy in PT appointment.
To get Ella started in sitting up we are going to have her sitting in a high chair with towels on each side of her legs and let her play with her toys. We will also work on more tummy time to build her up to crawling.
I really had a hard time at this appointment, its always hard to hear that your child isn't up to speed and that she/WE need to try harder. So my cure for trying to shake it have a session of crying and then smile! Because all I can do is help Ella learn and be there for her.
No matter what is said to us I know with all my heart that Ella is doing the best she can, and that's all anyone can expect.
Things seemed a little more stressful as usual at this appointment, I am unsure if it was because there was a student there learning from the PT or what.
It started off by what has Ella accomplished since the first of December. Well its hard to be put on the spot especially when you have a 2 year old trying to steal the show. But I tried to remember the best I could.... Ella has achieved the following......
1- Rolling on both directions from back to tummy, from tummy to back.
2- Batting, holding, shaking and pushing buttons on toys.
3- Takes her takes her socks off and plays with them.
4- Will hold weight when standing briefly.
5- Will pick up Binky play with it and place Binky in mouth.
6- 01/30/13 started to tuck knees under tummy in PT appointment.
To get Ella started in sitting up we are going to have her sitting in a high chair with towels on each side of her legs and let her play with her toys. We will also work on more tummy time to build her up to crawling.
I really had a hard time at this appointment, its always hard to hear that your child isn't up to speed and that she/WE need to try harder. So my cure for trying to shake it have a session of crying and then smile! Because all I can do is help Ella learn and be there for her.
No matter what is said to us I know with all my heart that Ella is doing the best she can, and that's all anyone can expect.
Keep on smiling!
I love this quote
"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile"
Over the last day I have been putting a lot of thought into this quote.
Back in October of 2012 I had plans with a friend I had for nearly 8 years. At the time that friend nor I knew what the next few months was going to end up like with Ella. As far as we knew everything was going to be running smoothly and Ella was just fine. The week of the plans Ella was having some symptoms which were very concerning to me. So I cancelled my plans with my friend to stay home and watch, take care of Ella. I received a message from this friend saying that it was uncalled for to cancel plans with her that she couldn't be my friend anymore. I looked back at the past 8 years and I had many of times that I would be home crying in tears because I was stood up by this so called friend. I thought to myself "she cant be friends with me, because I stayed home to take care of my daughter". The next 2 weeks became very hard with Ella, she became sicker. On November 2nd I rushed Ella to the emergency room at Primary Children's. The doctor confirmed that Ella was having pressure in her head caused by the fluid in her brain. Ella was admitted and had emergency surgery the next day. We were in the hospital for a total of 7 days, our luck continued and the next month she had an device placed into her heart for a PDA heart murmur. This was the hardest thing I had been put through in my life. My child was going through risky surgeries. I think back and know for a fact that this friend was not a true friend at all. If only she had known what Ella was going through and I as a mom. I had put money towards a foundation for her brother prior to this, because I was a caring friend and wanted to show her I cared. I put my heart out on his foundation page telling her how much I cared for her and her family and that even though I was having financial problems during that time that put money towards a great cause. I have been taught to forgive and forget. So for this quote I forgive this person and I will forget what they missed out on. Because Ella is a angel sent from heaven. We are grateful for all the love and support we have had during all the hard times we have been through and are grateful for all that helped us. I may have cried a few times over that friendship, but I have had more smiles than anything from it. Because I found out who my true friends are along the way of all of the hard times.
Thank you for allowing me to find the person I am, how strong I am and how I can smile my way through all the hard times, and a little tear along with it.
"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile"
Over the last day I have been putting a lot of thought into this quote.
Back in October of 2012 I had plans with a friend I had for nearly 8 years. At the time that friend nor I knew what the next few months was going to end up like with Ella. As far as we knew everything was going to be running smoothly and Ella was just fine. The week of the plans Ella was having some symptoms which were very concerning to me. So I cancelled my plans with my friend to stay home and watch, take care of Ella. I received a message from this friend saying that it was uncalled for to cancel plans with her that she couldn't be my friend anymore. I looked back at the past 8 years and I had many of times that I would be home crying in tears because I was stood up by this so called friend. I thought to myself "she cant be friends with me, because I stayed home to take care of my daughter". The next 2 weeks became very hard with Ella, she became sicker. On November 2nd I rushed Ella to the emergency room at Primary Children's. The doctor confirmed that Ella was having pressure in her head caused by the fluid in her brain. Ella was admitted and had emergency surgery the next day. We were in the hospital for a total of 7 days, our luck continued and the next month she had an device placed into her heart for a PDA heart murmur. This was the hardest thing I had been put through in my life. My child was going through risky surgeries. I think back and know for a fact that this friend was not a true friend at all. If only she had known what Ella was going through and I as a mom. I had put money towards a foundation for her brother prior to this, because I was a caring friend and wanted to show her I cared. I put my heart out on his foundation page telling her how much I cared for her and her family and that even though I was having financial problems during that time that put money towards a great cause. I have been taught to forgive and forget. So for this quote I forgive this person and I will forget what they missed out on. Because Ella is a angel sent from heaven. We are grateful for all the love and support we have had during all the hard times we have been through and are grateful for all that helped us. I may have cried a few times over that friendship, but I have had more smiles than anything from it. Because I found out who my true friends are along the way of all of the hard times.
Thank you for allowing me to find the person I am, how strong I am and how I can smile my way through all the hard times, and a little tear along with it.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Martin Luther King Jr Day NO SCHOOL
Marian and Brayden are making a cool car out of a cardboard box. They are having quite a fun time doing it!
Glitter Toes
My awesome husband bought me a professional kit to do Glitter Toes, I can even do Glitter Nails for the winter. I have about 30 different colors to choose from. They stay on anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks! If you are interested email me at angelad@mjdwebsolutions.com and we can set up an appointment. I can even do parties. The host will get a free Glitter Toe set for hosting the party, email for prices.
Updated post of pictures!
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Matt and Ella New Years Eve 2012 |
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Ella and I watching a movie together 6 months |
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Marian's Castle project for school 6th Grade. |
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This is what happens when you all squeeze into a picture. New years eve 2012 |
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Rescued cute Molly! |
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Bray and Oliver hanging out |
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First thing Brayden does is go for the PIES! Yum | ! |
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Having fun at his cousins |
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Christmas 2012 Silly faces |
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Ella hanging out with Grandma! 2013 6 months! |
6 month Ella and 2 year old Brayden
This morning we had our wellness visits for Ella and Brayden. The doctor started off with Brayden (he was the grumpiest one) Good thing they both have a great doctor or he wouldn't have been all smiles at the end of the appointment. Brayden weighed in at 27 pounds, I cant believe how fast my little boy has grown. He is in the 66% of height. Turns out that Brayden also has a small heart murmur but nothing to be concerned about. He is healthy as healthy can be. No shots this time for Brayden!
Next was Ella, by the time it was her turn she turned into the grumpy one. She didnt want the doctor to touch her. She would keep hiding her face in my jacket, thinking the doctor wouldnt find her. Than she would smile like "oopsie I was found" Silly Ella you can try to hide but we will find you. Ella did great she now weighs in at 14.9lbs 26 1/2 inches long and her head measures at 17 inches around. Ella was put on an antibiotic for a sinus infection, but other than that she also was checked out great. Doctor said she can now eat anything we eat but honey and Hot dogs. So we are going to try it out and see if she wants to eat what we eat of course blended in the food processor. Ella was unlucky and had to have her flu shot, tetanus and 2 others. I dont like to give her too many shots but it is helpful for her to have a flu shot, now that she can finally have one.
Marian had the day off of school, I have to give her a HIGH 5 for all she does for us. She helps us out so much with Brayden, around the house and we are so proud of her getting all straight A's every year! She loves school so much, she is already getting excited for middle school. She talks about going to middle school all the time and how excited she is to go to middle school with all her friends. I wish she would go back a great and not make us look so old. :( But I am proud of her and her accomplishments. I know she will go far in schooling with how great she is at it and how dedicated she is to her education. Its great to hear her talk about how shes going to go to college at the U of U. She cant decided what she wants to be yet, but I remember when she was younger about 5 and was always talking about becoming a detective. I remember when I was in elementary and I really wanted to become a fire fighter. Now I get to stay home and watch my 3 kids grow up. Its funny how things change over the years.
Well, this Friday we will have a follow up Echo scan and see the heart surgeon from after heart surgery. Than I oddly enough have ended up with another cyst in my right ovary. So I will be going into a new OBGYN doctor and having this looked at on Friday also to see were we go from here. I will update as soon as possible! Loves to all!
Next was Ella, by the time it was her turn she turned into the grumpy one. She didnt want the doctor to touch her. She would keep hiding her face in my jacket, thinking the doctor wouldnt find her. Than she would smile like "oopsie I was found" Silly Ella you can try to hide but we will find you. Ella did great she now weighs in at 14.9lbs 26 1/2 inches long and her head measures at 17 inches around. Ella was put on an antibiotic for a sinus infection, but other than that she also was checked out great. Doctor said she can now eat anything we eat but honey and Hot dogs. So we are going to try it out and see if she wants to eat what we eat of course blended in the food processor. Ella was unlucky and had to have her flu shot, tetanus and 2 others. I dont like to give her too many shots but it is helpful for her to have a flu shot, now that she can finally have one.
Marian had the day off of school, I have to give her a HIGH 5 for all she does for us. She helps us out so much with Brayden, around the house and we are so proud of her getting all straight A's every year! She loves school so much, she is already getting excited for middle school. She talks about going to middle school all the time and how excited she is to go to middle school with all her friends. I wish she would go back a great and not make us look so old. :( But I am proud of her and her accomplishments. I know she will go far in schooling with how great she is at it and how dedicated she is to her education. Its great to hear her talk about how shes going to go to college at the U of U. She cant decided what she wants to be yet, but I remember when she was younger about 5 and was always talking about becoming a detective. I remember when I was in elementary and I really wanted to become a fire fighter. Now I get to stay home and watch my 3 kids grow up. Its funny how things change over the years.
Well, this Friday we will have a follow up Echo scan and see the heart surgeon from after heart surgery. Than I oddly enough have ended up with another cyst in my right ovary. So I will be going into a new OBGYN doctor and having this looked at on Friday also to see were we go from here. I will update as soon as possible! Loves to all!
Amplatzer ID Card
Over the weekend we received a card in the mail for Ella, as odd as it sounds I had no clue what it was. So I decided to call the phone number on it today and I this is were I learned something new........
Apparently we were suppose to be told in the hospital and was suppose to be given an temporary card to carry around for anytime Ella has anything done X-ray, MRI, CT Scan or even to have on us to go to an airport through security. The device that was placed in Ella's PDA is called an Amplatzer Occluders (AGA Device) This device will set off anything that can only handle a certain amount of metal. So say we go to the airport and we forget the card, the airport might think Ella is trying to take something on the airplane that is not acceptable.
Thank goodness we received this card in the mail because the hospital is not so good about giving us information that is useful.
Apparently we were suppose to be told in the hospital and was suppose to be given an temporary card to carry around for anytime Ella has anything done X-ray, MRI, CT Scan or even to have on us to go to an airport through security. The device that was placed in Ella's PDA is called an Amplatzer Occluders (AGA Device) This device will set off anything that can only handle a certain amount of metal. So say we go to the airport and we forget the card, the airport might think Ella is trying to take something on the airplane that is not acceptable.
Thank goodness we received this card in the mail because the hospital is not so good about giving us information that is useful.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Orthopetic appointment
Today went and the orthopedic surgeon for Ella's 6 month check up from her undeveloped hip. They did an X-ray and everything came back great, doctor would like to follow up in 1 year. She said she cant believe how much Ella has improved over the last 3 months. Next I took all three kids to the pediatrician Marian caught a virus while she was on winter break, Brayden has a sinus infection (not contagious) put on an antibiotic and Ella was sent for yet another X-ray of her chest to rule out pneumonia. Doctor measured Ella's head to make sure she wasn't having symptoms of fluid pressure in her brain, everything checked out ok as far as the outside of the shunt. Ella weighed in at 14.5lbs, a week ago she was 13.4lbs. YAY gaining weight finally!!!! Both doctors mentioned that Ella is too big for her car seat, so we are going to try and get an convertible seat asap. End result Ella has a virus in her lungs bronchitis. We wait for a few more days if things dont clear up we will have to go visit the doctor again. All in all we received ok, good and wonderful news today!!!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Ella has been doing really well the last few days, than all the sudden today she has started a fever again. So we will sit and see what happens over the next few hours. So far she is doing good, shes not too fussy. But if she starts being really fussy than we will have to go into the hospital to be checked out. Doctor said she could have started teething because everything she grabs she is chewing on. But it wouldnt explain the fevers and fussiness. Could again be related to an infection in her shunt, but the doctor said its very unlikely that it is that. But we would want to get it checked in case if she starts fussing a lot.
Improvements/learning- Ella is really trying hard to sit up by herself. She can get herself to sit up and than she falls over. It impresses me that she has even started trying to sit up by herself since she is 2-3 month delay.
She started eating wheat cereal and sweet potatoes this week. She loves them, she scarfs them down.
Today she was watching me eat half of a chocolate muffin and she couldnt take her eyes off me. So I decided to take a very small piece of the chocolate and let her try it. She was in love, if she could have ate the whole muffin I am sure she would have. I am starting to think we really need to get a baby bullet, so she can eat what we are eating. I think she would really like that.
Shes also rolling a lot, in the mornings she will roll over to Matt and start hitting/touching his face to get him to wake up. Its such a great feeling to wake up to your baby.
Ella has really started to enjoy playing with toys, even though her big brother thinks they belong to him and he takes off with them from the moment she gets them.
Her favorite show is Mickey Mouse, she is glued to it. She has been watching Brayden and she now cries or gets really fussy when the show ends. Its kinda funny to watch both of them and watch them get really upset when the end is close. I cant believe my 6 month old is already glued to the TV. I am just glad its a good friendly kid show. :)
Other than that we have just been trying to keep ourselves warm and out of the snow.
Hoping everyone is having a great year so far. Loves to everyone!
Improvements/learning- Ella is really trying hard to sit up by herself. She can get herself to sit up and than she falls over. It impresses me that she has even started trying to sit up by herself since she is 2-3 month delay.
She started eating wheat cereal and sweet potatoes this week. She loves them, she scarfs them down.
Today she was watching me eat half of a chocolate muffin and she couldnt take her eyes off me. So I decided to take a very small piece of the chocolate and let her try it. She was in love, if she could have ate the whole muffin I am sure she would have. I am starting to think we really need to get a baby bullet, so she can eat what we are eating. I think she would really like that.
Shes also rolling a lot, in the mornings she will roll over to Matt and start hitting/touching his face to get him to wake up. Its such a great feeling to wake up to your baby.
Ella has really started to enjoy playing with toys, even though her big brother thinks they belong to him and he takes off with them from the moment she gets them.
Her favorite show is Mickey Mouse, she is glued to it. She has been watching Brayden and she now cries or gets really fussy when the show ends. Its kinda funny to watch both of them and watch them get really upset when the end is close. I cant believe my 6 month old is already glued to the TV. I am just glad its a good friendly kid show. :)
Other than that we have just been trying to keep ourselves warm and out of the snow.
Hoping everyone is having a great year so far. Loves to everyone!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
2013 and our luck isnt better ARG!
Welcome to 2013!!!! We were hoping for the best and thinking that we wouldnt have to face anything hard for a while, well our luck wasn't as good as we hoped.
Ella developed a fever yesterday and has been around the same temp since. She has also been urinating more than usual, we have had to change her diaper every 1/2 hour to hour her diapers have been filling up really fast. She also has had a little bit of congestion, and even started spitting up (she never spits up) So I talked to a on call doctor today and he was very concerned. He sent us in to kids care to be checked. Ella and I arrived and waited for almost 2 hours to be seen. They weighed Ella at 13 pounds 24 1/2 inches long. The doctor looked her over and she seemed great just looking at her. She did a cath sample, which came back negative, she also did a long metal part with a swab on it up her nose (ouchie) to test for a virus. She said that Ella has a virus. She also suspects that she may have an infection in her shunt. I of course ask what happens if she has one and what they will do to fix the infection. I should just not open myself up because than I leave crying.
If Ella's temp doesnt go down in the next day or two and she becomes more fussy than she already is, spitting up more. Than I will have to take her into the emergency room at Primary Children's. They will do a CT scan of her brain and check for the infection. If it is positive they will admit her, give her a high dose of IV antibiotics, take her into surgery remove the shunt, place a new one in but leave it out and not put it all the way through her body like the one she has now. We will stay in the hospital till the infection has cleared and a doctor has okay'd it to go back into surgery and put the shunt back in place. During all of this Ella would be admitted to the hospital and wouldnt be able to go home.
I knew we may have problems down the road with the shunt. But 2 months after we had it inserted? Really??
So we are going to continue to watch Ella as we wait for the results of the virus test to come back and if we notice anything to take her in to the hospital.
It feels like we get back to normal and than boom we are back to square one. I dont understand why things have to go the way they do. I hope the doctor is wrong and Ella wont have to suffer yet again. I hate seeing her suffer or any of my children to suffer. Needing lots of prayers and hopefully we will get past this without having to have any sort of hospital stays.
Ella developed a fever yesterday and has been around the same temp since. She has also been urinating more than usual, we have had to change her diaper every 1/2 hour to hour her diapers have been filling up really fast. She also has had a little bit of congestion, and even started spitting up (she never spits up) So I talked to a on call doctor today and he was very concerned. He sent us in to kids care to be checked. Ella and I arrived and waited for almost 2 hours to be seen. They weighed Ella at 13 pounds 24 1/2 inches long. The doctor looked her over and she seemed great just looking at her. She did a cath sample, which came back negative, she also did a long metal part with a swab on it up her nose (ouchie) to test for a virus. She said that Ella has a virus. She also suspects that she may have an infection in her shunt. I of course ask what happens if she has one and what they will do to fix the infection. I should just not open myself up because than I leave crying.
If Ella's temp doesnt go down in the next day or two and she becomes more fussy than she already is, spitting up more. Than I will have to take her into the emergency room at Primary Children's. They will do a CT scan of her brain and check for the infection. If it is positive they will admit her, give her a high dose of IV antibiotics, take her into surgery remove the shunt, place a new one in but leave it out and not put it all the way through her body like the one she has now. We will stay in the hospital till the infection has cleared and a doctor has okay'd it to go back into surgery and put the shunt back in place. During all of this Ella would be admitted to the hospital and wouldnt be able to go home.
I knew we may have problems down the road with the shunt. But 2 months after we had it inserted? Really??
So we are going to continue to watch Ella as we wait for the results of the virus test to come back and if we notice anything to take her in to the hospital.
It feels like we get back to normal and than boom we are back to square one. I dont understand why things have to go the way they do. I hope the doctor is wrong and Ella wont have to suffer yet again. I hate seeing her suffer or any of my children to suffer. Needing lots of prayers and hopefully we will get past this without having to have any sort of hospital stays.
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